Friday September 11, 2009
Troy arrived at the hospital around 6:00 p.m. We arrived shortly after we talked to the Neurologist. He said he may go into surgery but they were going to put a Bolt in his head to Measure the Pressure of his brain to see if we would need to have the surgery, the Cat Scan said that we would. So we went in and Troy’s Uncles Mark and Mike gave him a very good blessing. He had lots of cords and ivy’s hooked up to him and a neck brace. It was very scary and sad to see him like that. After the Blessing the Neurosurgeon came in after putting the bolt in his head and said we don’t have to do surgery anymore, his pressure was high but we are going to wait and watch to make sure it doesn’t get any higher. We were very happy about that because we did not want to go into surgery.
Saturday September 12, 2009
Today we had found out that Troy had a Skull Fracture. When he hit the rock he hit the right side of his head which pushed his brain 4mm to the left and caused the left side of his brain to be the most damaged and cause a lot of bleeding . It was a much better day we just have to wait and be patient it is just going to take a lot of time for Recovery. As a family we went into his room when he was awake and he recognized us he would grab our hands and respond very well by shaking his head and nodding.
Sunday September 13,2009
We waited and waited with faith and patience we had another good day but no change.
Monday September 14,2009
Today was exciting when I walked in they decided to take the Venalator out. Troy hated it in his mouth…who would like it J! He didn’t like my mom to leave and he really understood her so he finally followed a few commands so the Dr. said lets take it out and they did and he felt so much better.
Tuesday Sep 15,2009
Today troy started to wake up a little more. They started to turn down the sedation medication down and pain medication. He even wanted a kiss today. They also took the Bolt that was in his head out!! Every day gets better taking things out and changing each day.
Wednesday Sep 16,2009
Today they took all his medication away all his pain and sedation medications. When they brought therapy in they sat him up by the side of his bed and he even stood up and followed all commands he is doing great!
Thursday Sep 17,2009
Today was an ok day..they found few problems but he will keep strong and face them.
Friday Sep 18, 2009
Today we found out that he had some Blood clots in his arms and they couldn’t find a vein to work for a IV so they couldn’t take the Central line out today. L He did take off his oxygen today!! His Physical Therapy visits went great. His progress is very good.
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
Today they did an MRI to check out his brain. They said it looked great! His fever was still high and no waking up babuls yet. His Physical Therapy Is going great much progress each day.
Sunday Sep 20, 2009
Today was a very good day. Troy received an amazing blessing that changed everything about him in a very short time. He was able to see all his children and was very alert giving everyone big hugs and wanting to talk to them..Moving his mouth around a lot and trying to talk, but no words. He was getting really frustrated not knowing why he was there and why he couldn’t talk. We were just very patient and having faith in him that he would get better fast and we would see a change.
Monday Sep 21, 2009
Today was a very good day. Troy FINALLY got moving out of his room to another room! He is off everything besides the feeding tube. He was very alert and recognizing people and pointing at everyone trying to tell them he wants us to take him out side. He smiles a lot and tries to have a conversation with you but rolls his eyes because we don’t understand what he wants to say. He is progressing a lot and they are hoping to move him to U Hospital tomorrow to start Rehab! Everyone’s prayers are helping a lot troy would not be like this without everyone’s support and Faith.
we will continue to pray,we love youall, what amazing faith and strength you have. God Bless and ton's of hugs and kisses!
thank you Angie for the updates.
I am glad to read/hear things are progressing so well.Troy is loved by many,with all this love and support from everybody he will get there. Its going to be tough,hang in there,if u need anything at all,some extra support, please dont hesistate to call me.
Monica Berg
I'm so glad to hear that things are going better. Kylie I'm proud of you for being so strong. I love all of you guys and you are in my prayers.
Thanks so much for the blog. It is really helpful to keep up to date. I know that Larisa is so glad that Kiley is back in Orem. She missed her so much. Take care and we will continue to pray for your family. Carol
I've worked with and known Troy for all the years he's been at SFI. He'such a great guy and I'm so glad to hear of his progress. So look forward to seeing and joking with him again - soon!
If there's anything we can do for him or the family, please let me know.
When's a good time visit him?
Dean Moncur
Thanks Angie. We are so encouraged by his progess. Please know that we will do anything you need. we would love to have Zach over for a few days or whatever. Hang in there and know that we are praying for you.
Angie,not sure if you would want to do this,but after Gregs accident and when he was at the stage where he really understood what was going on I tried to explain to him what he went through regarding his recovery and all and to this day he does not remember a single thing!I wished I would have videotaped him so he could fully understand EVERYTHING that he went through. it was like he was in a fog and was aggressive towards me. Maybe you can videotape Toys progress,not for everyone to see, but for Troy to see later on when he is healed,so he can better understand what happened.anyways just a little imput from me on what may help you guys cause its going to get rough before it gets better, but it will get better.Not sure if you want to post this comment,didnt know if you were picking up your emails.but if u r let me know and I can send you some things I think will help you all to your email instead of here.
take care Monica Berg
I'm so happy to hear of Troy's progress. You all are an amazing family and you our in our prayers each and every day. We love you!
this is fantastic news!so glad he is improving so much and so fast.
sad we r so far away to not be able to pop in and visit Troy.
Please give him a big hug and kiss from us and let him know we think of him everyday!his Cali family
Monica Berg
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